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Mostrando entradas de julio, 2019


  Hello everybody! in this blog I will tell you about a topic that I liked this semester and the truth has cost me a lot to find one that has pleased me in fact I think there are many issues that bother me, such as after the "stoppage" feminist there are still sexist attitudes, that the total of the petition has not yet been completed. It bothers me that although notoriety was taken in the media for our mental health and we generated a "stoppage" for mental health, even so the measures taken were not up to par. I feel that it was only makeup to a deep problem that still has us wrong, with an academic overload that keeps us stressed, makes us spend a lot of time in college or doing jobs constantly and makes us spend less time with our families and friends. And what bothers me the most, is that what happened to our second-year companion happened, that we have all failed. I will not say anything else because I really grieve a lot. Final