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Mostrando entradas de junio, 2019


Hello everybody! In this blog I will tell you about a some websites that I am checking constantly that show it architectural projects. This site is very important for me, because it has a lot projects, projects of around the world so that is a popular site and you can to see a much material, plans , sketch , renders and pictures of each project. You can also see news, products, interviews and contests. In my first year of university I was constantly  checking this site for to learn and to do my homework to importants projects of prominent architects. ahhhh, this is chilean version This is website of important studio of architecture, of danish architect Bjarke Ingels  and i like your way of show it the architecture, your simple way to explain your architecture projects with sketchs so beautiful. They also make innovative architecture projects with very interes


Hello everyone!!! Today I will tell you about my favourite movie… but is very hard I choose just one.   My firts fav movie is... Forrest Gump I had just ten years old when I to see for tv in my house and I felt admiration for how Forrest could do everything he wanted despite his intellectual deficiency, he was so pure in his feelings and I think he believed that all this was real, apart from the fact that I was a little girl I thought that Tom Hanks acted very well, I thought that he really was a person with intellectual disability. Throughout the film historical facts are shown relevant to the  history of the USA, where one way or another Forrest relates to his naivety and are shown in a comical way. Also the soundtrack of the  film is very well chosen, it shows the historical changes that are  happening, the fashions and are part of a historical summary of the events in a pleasant way to see. The scene that I've never been able to forget or stop getting excited every time I see


Hello everyone!  In this blog I will tell you about a photography and I choose one that my mother took when I was 5 years old. In this picture I am in the yard with my brother Carlos and our first pet "Trueno", a belgian sheepdog that was very affectionate, his hair was very soft. In the picture it was a young and little dog, but later it grew and was very big. I had a childhood very very happy with my brother and Trueno, we were for hours playing in the garden like in the photography. Can you see in my hand a toy figure? Well It was a female action figure and in that moment Trueno wanted to destroy it with his teeth, but this never happened. I do not remember specifically what was the game we played, but I am complete sure that we had a nice moment because we three always managed to have a great time.