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Mostrando entradas de mayo, 2019


Hi ! this post is about my hobbies, and is : see series. Today I am very happy, because after many weeks I was able to see one of my favorite series, and  which is the favourity ? … is Vikings!!! and I see the fourth season and I have stuck in this season, because university life and my bad way of organizing my time has not let me see it with the necessary attention, and i told previusly for the moment my hobbie is only one. This hobby started on vacation, with a lot of free time and a netflix account. Why Vikings? I think Ragnar (main character) captivated me, he is a character that captures because of his strange personality, also the gestures that the actor expresses are great. And how the character at the beginning of the series has an ambition, accompanied of a conviction so powerful that it guides you to discover and want to be a conqueror. This generates that he commits errors and successes that make a very interesting plot in addition to the historical and le


Hi ! Today I want to tell you about my favourite piece of technology, and is the laptop. in this moment it is indispenciable for me, because I need it for the university, you know, for all the subjects and all homeworks. Sometimes I feel that I love it and others moments I feel that I hate it, maybe that is  true love, don't you think? hahaha. I remember having a computer in my house when I was younger, but in 2013 my father bought for me a laptop that I still use, and for that I'm very thankfull (thanks dad 💜) As I said before is a relationship of love and hate. Hate mainly for the amount of homeworks of the university and Love because without it I could not do my homework. Also it allows me to enjoy my few free times, in the bed lying down watching series and movies, therefore I would be very sad without my laptop.